Popular Malayalam actor Asif Ali recently made a trip to the IMG Worlds of Adventure in Dubai along with his family and friends. The actor shared pictures from the visit to the indoor theme park on his Instagram profile and termed it as a ‘one damn good roller-coaster experience’.

"It is beyond words to express. IMG is an arena of epic adventure zones and unending fun. All I can say is that it's a perfect package where you get the best of celebration, festivity and all you need to skyrocket your energy levels," he wrote on the social media platform.


The actor also thanked the IMG for the 'wonderful and adrenaline-pumping moments.'

IMG Worlds of Adventure


The IMG Worlds of Adventure, which opened in 2016, is the first mega-themed entertainment destination in Dubai. With an area of more than 1.5 million sqft, IMG is one of the largest temperature-controlled indoor theme parks in the world. The amusement park can entertain over 20,000 guests in a day.

The biggest attractions of the park are the roller-coasters and thrill-rides, which are based on the popular Cartoon Network characters, Marvel superheroes, and animatronic dinosaurs. These have been set up in four themed zones. Also, the amusement park has various themed retail stores, dining venues and a Novo cinema complex with 12 screens.


The park is located in the City of Arabia project near the Sheikh Mohammad Bin Zayed Road.

After a spurt in COVID-19 cases, Dubai had recently re-imposed precautionary measures. Strict restrictions are in place till February 28. All passengers arriving in Dubai are mandatorily required to submit COVID-negative certificates, issued within 72 hours. Hotels can function only at 70 per cent capacity, while bars and pubs have been temporarily shut.