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Wednesday, Mar 26, 2025
Jan 16, 2021
The year has just begun, and the industry must recover the lost viewer confidence and recoup the losses. Everything hinges on how well we set the stage for screening films in the safest manner possible.
Jan 3, 2021
The crusades that journalists take up in the interest of the larger common good, inspirational stories of upright journalists who overcome many hurdles to shed light on truth have been successful. So were the films that expose the nexus between journalism and politics or between journalism and the business.
Dec 20, 2020
The number of OTT platforms burgeoned in the past 10 months to nearly 50. What's more, it has grown to be an Rs 5000 crore industry in the country.
Dec 10, 2020
Parvathy has been in the eye of a storm with activists and a section of social media voicing their opposition to the makers of the film for casting a fair-skinned heroine to play a character that the writer had unambiguously visualised as a dark-skinned woman with striking features and a voice of her own.
Amazon Prime announced that it has acquired exclusive global streaming rights to release seven upcoming Indian films in five different languages.
Irrfan Khan’s rise as an actor has all the elements of a Bollywood rags-to-riches potboiler whereas the twinkly-eyed charmer called Rishi Kapoor was a de-facto star.
Lenin Rajendran's musical journey started with his debut film Venal (Summer) in 1981 composed by the legendary composer Manamadurai Balakrishnan Srinivasan aka MBS.
Shobha was a thorough professional who was unfazed by criticisms, gossips or the larger-than-life images of her male co-stars.
The series, produced by Anushka Sharma, has been in the news for its storyline being inspired from the book The Story of My Assassins written by the former Tehelka editor Tarun Tejpal.
As the lockdown continues and the pandemic refusing to subside, many questions linger in the minds of film buffs.
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