With 47,638 new cases, India's COVID-19 toll reaches 8.4 million

COVID-19: 54K cases in 24 hours, India's tally at 76K
A health worker collects swab sample from a migrant worker for COVID-19 test, in Chennai. Photo: PTI

Mumbai: India recorded 47,638 new cases of the novel coronavirus, taking its total to 8.41 million, data from the health ministry showed on Friday.

India has the world's second-highest caseload behind the United States but has seen a steady dip in cases since September, in spite of the start of the Hindu festival season.

Deaths rose by 670 in the last 24 hours, taking total mortalities to 124,985, the ministry said.

States like Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh and Kerala, Karnataka are reporting the high number of cases. However, infections are rising rapidly in states like Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal as well. 

India’s recovery rate continues to rise and now stands at 92.32 per cent. Globally, more than 4.85 crore people have been infected by the coronavirus and 12.31 lakh have died so far.

(With inputs from Reuters)

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