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Last Updated Sunday November 01 2020 10:27 PM IST

35 more children die in Gorakhpur hospital; toll 1,304 now

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35 more children die in Gorakhpur hospital, toll 1,304 now

Gorakhpur (UP): The state-run Baba Raghav Das Medical College reported death of 35 children in the past 48 hours, taking the toll to 1,304 this year.

"On August 31, 16 children died while on September 1, 19 others died in the NICU, general and encephalitis wards of the hospital," the newly-appointed principal of the college Dr PK Singh said Friday.

On August 31, 11 children had died in the NICU, four in general pediatric and one in encephalitis ward, while on September 1, 13 in NICU, four in general pediatric ward and two in encephalitis ward, the principal said.

Giving a month-wise break up, Singh said the toll in January was 152, in February 122, March 159, April 123, May 139, June 137, July 128 and August 325, besides 19 on the first day of September.

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