Atchaneh (Lebanon): The installation ceremony of Joseph Mar Gregorios as the Catholicos of the Jacobite Syrian Orthodox Church concluded in Lebanon on Tuesday. Assuming the title Baselios Joseph, his installation service was held at St Mary’s Patriarchal Cathedral, located within the Patriarchal Center in Atchaneh, approximately 20 kilometers from Beirut, the capital of Lebanon.

Mor Ignatius Aphrem II, the Patriarch of Antioch and Supreme Head of the Syrian Orthodox Church, led the ceremony, with other metropolitans of the Syrian Orthodox Church as co-celebrants.

The service began with the evening prayer. When the Catholicos-designate was seated on the throne facing the faithful at the altar, the chief celebrant proclaimed, "Catholicos Baselios Joseph I is worthy and blessed." Following this, the Patriarch chanted "Axios" (meaning "He is worthy"), which was repeated three times by the metropolitans and clergy with devotion and reverence. The chief celebrant then handed over the symbols of office—three chains and the pastoral staff—to the newly enthroned Catholicos.

The installation service was held at St Mary’s Patriarchal Cathedral, located within the Patriarchal Center in Atchaneh, approximately 20 kilometers from Beirut, the capital of Lebanon.

Metropolitans from the Syrian Orthodox Church, including the Jacobite Church, participated in the service. Major Archbishop Cardinal Mar Cleemis Catholicos from Kerala and Joseph Mar Barnabas Suffragan Metropolitan of the Mar Thoma Church were also present.

The event was attended by a representative of Joseph Aoun from Lebanon, the Indian Ambassador to Lebanon, Noor Rahman Sheikh, Kerala Minister P Rajeev, MLAs Anoop Jacob, E P Taison, Eldhose P Kunnappilly, Job Maichil, P V Sreenijin, and Principal Secretary A P M Mohammed Hanish.

Benny Behanan MP, V Muraleedharan, Alphons Kannanthanam, and Shaun George represented the Central government. Over 700 clergy and faithful from Jacobite churches in Kerala and abroad witnessed the ceremony.


Although the Patriarch of Antioch’s official seat is in Damascus, Syria, the installation was held in Atchaneh due to the ongoing civil war in Syria. The date of the installation of the new Catholicos is significant as it marks the Feast of the Annunciation of Mary. Interestingly, it was also on March 25 that Mar Gregorios was first ordained as a deacon and later as a priest.

Thank you, India’
Mor Ignatius Aphrem II expressed his gratitude to Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan for sending special representative delegations. He extended his appreciation to both the Central and State governments and personally introduced the delegations during the event.

PM Modi extends greetings
Prime Minister Narendra Modi conveyed his greetings to the newly installed Catholicos and the Jacobite Syrian Church. "In various fields of the Church, the Catholicos has shown remarkable excellence. I wish the Jacobite Syrian Church continued progress under his leadership," the Prime Minister said in his message. Former Union Minister Alphons Kannanthanam, leading the Central government's delegation, delivered the message at the church.

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