Outdoor security staff must get basic amenities, including seat, drinking water: Minister Sivankutty

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Thiruvananthapuram: Minister for Labour V Sivankutty has issued an order directing employers to provide basic facilities, including seats, drinking water, and umbrellas, to security staff working outdoor of offices and commercial establishments. The order was issued in response to health concerns arising from prolonged exposure to sunlight during the scorching summer season.
In the order issued by the Labour Publicity Officer, employers are instructed to ensure that security staff are provided with umbrellas, drinking water, and other essential facilities to combat adverse weather conditions. The minister issued the directive after noticing that security staff at hotels and restaurants near national highways are exposed to direct sunlight for hours while guiding customers to the establishments.
As per the order, employers must provide day or night reflective coats, hats, umbrellas, drinking water, and sunglasses to security personnel.
District labour officers have been tasked with confirming whether employers adhere to this order. Squads should be formed based on security regions to carry out inspections. Labour officers are also instructed to verify that security staff receive the minimum wage, overtime pay, leave, and other allowances. The district labour officer must also confirm that each commercial establishment or office is registered under the Wage Protection System.
The minister warned that strict action would be taken against employers who fail to comply with the order.