The Wayanad Forest Department has decided to take strict action against tourists who filmed and circulated visuals of a tigress and her two cubs at 900 Kandi, near Meppadi in the South Wayanad Forest Division. The footage, captured at night from a restricted area, has gone viral on social media, sparking panic among local residents, particularly workers, including migrants, in nearby coffee and pepper plantations.

South Wayanad Divisional Forest Officer (DFO) Ajith K Raman told Onmanorama that an investigation is underway to identify the devices used to upload the video and track those involved. He added that instructions have been issued to the Meppadi Forest Range Officer to expedite the probe.


“There is no permission for night safaris in the area,” the DFO emphasised. The department will intensify night patrols and deploy additional guards to ensure stricter surveillance, he said.

Tourism activities in the region had declined following the recent severe landslides, but have recently begun to improve. 


Conservationists have repeatedly raised concerns about the environmental impact of unregulated tourism in such sensitive zones.

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