Kochi: The special CBI court in Kochi, which pronounced the verdict in the Periya twin murder case on Saturday, witnessed high drama as one of the convicts broke down after hearing the judgement. A Surendran alias Vishnu Sura, who is the accused no 15, requested the judge to award him a death sentence, saying he was tired of the ordeal.

Surendran is among the 14 people who have been convicted under various charges in the case relating to the murder of Kripesh and Sarathlal, two Youth Congress activists at Kalliyott in Periya of Kasaragod district.


Surendran made the emotional plea when the judge asked the convicts if they had anything to say about the verdict. "I want the death penalty. I have had enough. Please let me end my life," he told the judge and broke down. Surendran, an accomplice of prime convict and CPM leader Peethambaran is charged with surveillance and conspiracy.

Kripesh and Sarathlal were killed for resisting frequent attacks on KSU activists at People's Co-Operative Arts and Science College in Munnad, a CPM stronghold in Kasaragod's Bedadka panchayat, where all 17 wards are controlled by the party. Their intervention on behalf of KSU activists escalated into off-campus altercations as CPM workers, led by Peethambaran, also got involved. Peethambaran was then a member of CPM's Periya Local Committee. 


In one such incident on January 5, 2019, Kripesh and Sarathlal allegedly twisted Peethambaran's arm. Surendran was present with Peethambaran during this confrontation.

The Kerala Police's initial charge sheet named 14 accused but excluded Surendran. However, the CBI later named him as the 15th accused, alleging he tracked the movements of Kripesh and Sarathlal on the day of the murder. Surendran was convicted of conspiracy under Section 120B of the IPC, which carries a maximum penalty of life imprisonment.