Thiruvananthapuram: A parallel intelligence network within the state police, established four months ago by ADGP M R Ajith Kumar without informing the Director General of Police (DGP), has been disbanded. Initially set up when Ajith Kumar headed the law and order wing, the network was recently dismantled by ADGP Manoj Abraham, who now oversees the same division.

Ajith Kumar had appointed 40 officers across 20 police districts in the state, bypassing the State Special Branch and District Special Branch units. These officers were instructed to relay information directly to the Control Room at the ADGP's office, sidestepping formal channels. Although stationed within the offices of District Police Superintendents and Commissioners, these nodal officers operated independently of their respective offices and reported solely to the ADGP. Among the 40 officers, ten belonged to the rank of Sub-Inspector, five were Assistant Sub-Inspectors, and the rest were all Senior Civil Police Officers.


The creation of this independent network had stirred controversy, with accusations that it might have been used to discreetly monitor political adversaries of the state government and even some members of the police force.

Following orders from ADGP Manoj Abraham, the 40 officers have returned to their original roles. Earlier, the state police chief, Sheikh Darvesh Sahib, strongly disapproved of the network, which had been created and operated without his knowledge.