UDF candidate Rahul Mamkoottathil has alleged that the delay in candidate selection by both CPM and BJP in Palakkad is due to a deal between the two parties. He added that Palakkad has given him more love than he deserves. He expressed great confidence and optimism about victory, stating that this election is not as tough as the one in 2021.

Upon his first visit to Palakkad after the candidate announcement, Rahul Mamkoottathil received a grand welcome organised by the UDF. The roadshow, led by Shafi Parambil, began at Chembai Music College and concluded at the Stadium Grounds. Mamkoottathil assured that if given an opportunity, he will ensure that the people of Palakkad won’t have to bow their heads in shame.


Meanwhile, Shafi Parambil, campaigning for Mamkootathil in Palakkad, said that the only deal Congress was interested in was the deal with the people.

Former Congress leader and Kerala Pradesh Congress Committee (KPCC) Digital Media Cell Convener Dr P Sarin had publicly rebelled against the party following the declaration of Rahul Mamkootathil's candidacy in Palakkad. Following this, the Congress expelled Sarin for anti-party activities.