Aroor-Thuravoor elevated highway: Commuters in protest mode after recurring accidents

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The 12.75-km Aroor-Thuravoor stretch, home to the construction of the country's longest elevated highway, has recently become notorious for frequent accidents. Photo: Special Arrangement.

Alappuzha: Frequent accidents at the Aroor-Thuravoor elevated highway construction site have triggered a local protest against what residents describe as "unscientific" construction practices. The protest aims to halt ongoing construction work, demanding urgent safety measures.

Locals allege that iron rods and other construction materials have repeatedly fallen from the bridge onto vehicles passing below. They accuse the construction authorities of complete disregard for human safety.

The 12.75-km Aroor-Thuravoor stretch has recently become notorious for frequent accidents. Over recent months, the stretch has seen a spike in accidents due to what residents deem "inadequate safety measures."

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