Drunken misconduct: Vinayakan booked for rude behaviour at Hyderabad airport, granted bail

Vinayakan. Photo: Manorama Online

Kochi/Hyderabad: The RGI Airport police in Hyderabad filed a case against actor Vinayakan on Saturday based on a complaint submitted by CISF that he behaved rudely with the gate staff at the airport.

Vinayakan, who was allegedly in an inebriated state at the time of the incident, was charged with bailable sections, including misconduct in public under the influence of alcohol and causing public nuisance. However, the actor accused the Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) personnel of assaulting him at the airport.

Vinayakan, who was flying from Kochi to Goa via Hyderabad, allegedly argued and spoke rudely with the gate staff of an airline on Saturday evening, after which he was handed over to the CISF. Later, he was released on bail.

Earlier, talking to Manorama News, Vinayakan said CISF officials took him to a room in the airport and assaulted him. “I do not know why I'm being taken into custody. I have done no wrong. The CCTV visuals can be checked for evidence,” he said.

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