Kozhikode dist administration to ensure UDID cards for all disabled persons

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For this, a mega data entry camp named ‘Sahamithra’ was conducted at St Joseph’s College, Devagiri, with volunteers from the college NSS team, Campus of Kozhikode and the District Collector's Internship Programme doing the Thanmudra registration. Photo: Special arrangement.

Kozhikode: The district administration has conducted a massive drive to ensure the Unique Disability Identity card (UDID) card for all disabled persons in Kozhikode. The UDID card is a central government initiative to create a national database for Persons with Disabilities (PwDs).

For this, a mega data entry camp named ‘Sahamithra’ was conducted at St Joseph’s College, Devagiri, with volunteers from the college NSS team, Campus of Kozhikode and the District Collector's Internship Programme doing the Thanmudra registration. 
The district panchayat, the state Social Security Mission, and the social justice and health departments jointly collected data for Thanmudra registration (the government campaign for the distribution of UDIDs). 

According to district collector Snehil Kumar Singh, the registration process will be completed by the end of September. "More than 20,000 profiles were registered on the Thanmudra website in the last two weeks," he said.

Medical authorities notified by the State/UT government are responsible for issuing UDIDs to each PwD. This will ensure transparency, efficiency, uniformity and ease of delivering the government benefits to beneficiaries.

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