Jesna missing case: CBI to take statements from ex-employee, owner of Mundakayam lodge today

File Photo: Special arrangement.

Mundakayam: In a significant development related to the Jesna Maria James disappearance case, the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) will record the statements of a former woman employee of a lodge in Mundakayam and the owner of the establishment on Tuesday. The former employee had recently revealed that she had seen a girl similar in appearance to Jesna a few days before she went missing. The CBI team will also examine the lodge as part of the investigation.

Incidentally, the former woman employee had given a similar statement to the Kerala Police also earlier, but investigators found no proof to support it. Following the latest revelation, officers of the Kerala Police are checking whether the former lodge staff has any hidden motive in repeating her statement.

Officers attached to the Kerala Police said that they had received several false leads in the Jesna case. “We even investigated a ‘prophesy’ by a child that Jesna was killed and buried at a specific spot, but found nothing,” said a local cop.

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