League changes lane, votes for CPM in Thodupuzha municipality

Thodupuzha municipality, Sabeena Binchu. Photo: Special arrangement

Thodupuzha: Indian Union Muslim League, the second major constituent of the opposition bloc UDF, side-stepped its traditional ally to help CPM win the chairpersonship at the Thodupuzha municipality. Hurt by the apparent defeat, Congress workers engaged in a scuffle with the League members.

The crucial election was to the chairperson's post. In the municipality, UDF has 13 councillors, while LDF has 12, BJP 8 and Independent 1. UDF would have won had parties voted along the party line. However, the Congress and the IUML could not agree on the chairmanship.

This led to five League councillors crossing the party picket lines to vote for the LDF candidate Sabeena Binchu. Even though two CPM members abstained from voting, and one polled for the Congress, Binchu defeated UDF's Deepak, 14 to 10.

After the polling, the uneasiness among the allies poured out of the chamber as the Congress and League councillors came to blows on the Municipality premises.

The slogans at the Muslim League leaders' procession, after the polling, through Thodupuzha town clearly stated their stance. "Let CPM rule," they declared.

Former chairman Sanish George had resigned after being accused in a bribery case. A new election was held to fill the vacancy. It was expected that the UDF, with its 13 members on the council, would secure the chairman position. However, in the final stages, both Congress and the League expressed interest in the post. With only 16 months left in the term, a decision was made to divide the chairmanship, with Congress and the League each holding the position for eight months. Despite this agreement, the arrangement ultimately fell through.

In the by-election for the ninth ward, the UDF candidate won, giving the UDF 13 members in the 35-member council. The LDF's membership was reduced to 12 after the high court disqualified Mathew Joseph, the 11th ward councilor who supported the LDF.

TM Salim, an IUML state committee member, said the local Congress leaders' inefficiency and political arrogance led to the latest development in the UDF. "Of the 13 seats that UDF has, Congress and League have six each and Kerala Congress has one. Even after the last election, we had six members, but Kerala Congress had two seats. Owing to the pressure from PJ Joseph, and a nudge from the UDF state leadership, the chairmanship was handed over to them. In protest, one of our members switched to the LDF camp. We fought a long-drawn legal battle and got her disqualified. She was the vice-chairperson. In the bypoll, we won the seat too. That's who we got back to six.

"This time, when the election was declared, we proposed to the UDF that we should be given the chance to chair the municipality even though it is only 16 months to the term. But the Congress avoided our requests and acted arrogantly. On the state leadership's suggestion, I went and spoke to the local DCC leadership. But they did not pay heed to our suggestions.

"Today morning, the Congress leaders reached the municipality and proposed their own candidate. Then we also put forth our candidate. But in the first round, we lost. Then the Congress went around seeking the support of the BJP and some of the LDF members. They looked like they were adamant about winning the chairmanship.

"Irked by the open politicking, our councillors decided to defeat the Congress candidate and give them a shock treatment. We had not planned to support CPM till then or had held any talks with them. Not did they request our help. Hence our members decided to vote for the CPM candidate," he said.

Advocate Joseph John, the UDF opposition leader in the council, confirmed the League and the Congress fielded candidates in the first round. "After the first round, League got the least number of votes. Hence they were eliminated. BJP lost in the second round. Before the third round, LDF had nine votes and UDF 10. This is when five of the League members voted for the CPM and helped them win." he said.

He did not put any significance to the rallies after the election, saying that all parties took out their processions.

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