Kozhikode teens tour Wayanad in car without license, fined Rs 25000, parents booked

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Sulthan Bathery: It was a grand idea of five teenagers from Kozhikode – a drive to Wayanad in a car. There was one problem though – none of them had license. They ignored it but police didn't. Kenichira police nabbed all of them. The cops slapped a fine of Rs 25,000. The mother of the underage driver, the owner of the car and the agent who arranged the car have been booked.

The boy who drove the car will not be eligible to get a license for 8 years. It was during a vehicle check that the car was stopped at Manalvayal by Kenichira Station House Officer G Dileep. The boys were on their way to Pulpalli.

When asked for license, the driver said he was yet to be 18 years old and hence owned no license. Later the vehicle and the teens were brought to the police station at Kenichira. The car (KL 35K 5492) was arranged by one of their friends. A case was also registered against the father of the driver as the car was arranged with his knowledge, police said.

Cases were also registered against the youth who had arranged the car for the boys, the owner of the car and the mother of the student who drove the car.

The sections slapped were Bharatiya Nyay Smhitha ( BNS) 125 for any act done rashly or negligently as to endanger human life or the personal safety of others, Sections of MV Act 180 which imposes penalty both on the owner of the vehicle and person in charge of the vehicle for allowing unauthorized persons to drive the vehicle, section 199 A1 which slaps charges against the parent and the owner of the vehicle for allowing juveniles to drive the car violating the MV Act and Section 199 A2 which penalises guardian of the juvenile for violations.

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