POCSO accused arrested for sexually assaulting man with intellectual disabilities in Kasaragod

Kerala Police logo. Photo: Manorama Online.

Kasaragod: Adhur police in Kasaragod arrested a man for sexually assaulting a 20-year-old man with intellectual disabilities on Tuesday. The accused was charged and arrested last year under sections of the Protection of Children Against Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act in another case.
Adhur police identified the accused as Sadik of Povval in Mulleria grama panchayat. "We suspect he intoxicated the victim before assaulting him. We are taking the statement of the accused," an officer said.

Police registered the FIR based on a complaint filed by the survivor's parents, who alleged Sadik first sexually assaulted their son in January. Since then, he allegedly assaulted him several times. Recently, Sadik came on his motorcycle and picked up the survivor waiting to go to school at the bus stop. He allegedly gave the mentally chanllenged youth a beedi to smoke and sexually assaulted him, said his parents.

Police said they have charged Sadik with causing hurt by intoxicating the victim (Section 328 of IPC), sodomy (Section 377 of IPC), and assaulting a person with a disability with intent to dishonour him under Section 92 (b) of the Rights of Persons with Disability Act, 2016. "We arrested him last year under the POCSO Act for sexually assaulting a minor," said an officer of Adhur station. 

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