Kozhikode: A raid conducted by the Income Tax Department in a used car showroom here has uncovered a black money transaction worth Rs 102 crore. The fraud was unearthed by the investigation department of the Kozhikode Division of the Income Tax Department in the company 'Royal Drive,' owned by Mujeeb Rahman, a resident of Malappuram. Following the discovery of these black money transactions, the Income Tax Department has decided to send notices to national-level celebrities in the fields of cinema and sports suspected to be involved.

The raids were carried out for over two days in the Thiruvananthapuram, Ernakulam, Malappuram, and Kozhikode branches of the car showroom. Suspicion had been raised regarding the transactions of large sums of money over the past few months. It was found that famous celebrities bought luxury cars, used them for a year or two, and then sold them to Royal Drive without recording the transactions in their accounts. Additionally, it was found that cars were bought from the showroom, with the price paid in black money. An Indian cricketer and several Malayalam film stars are also involved in the incident.