Idamalayar irrigation project scam: Thrissur Vigilance Court finds 49 accused guilty

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Thrissur: The Thrissur Vigilance Court has found 49 accused in the Idamalayar irrigation canal corruption case guilty. The court's findings are based on 39 cases registered in connection with corruption during the canal's renovation work. The accused have been sentenced to three years in prison and have been fined Rs 6 lakh each.

Under the Prevention of Corruption Act 13(1)(d), the accused received a three-year prison sentence and a fine of Rs 2 lakh. The court also slapped a three-year prison sentence and a fine of Rs 2 lakh under IPC 120B for conspiracy and a three-year prison sentence and a fine of Rs 2 lakh under IPC 477A.

Out of the 51 accused, one person was acquitted of all charges. Another was acquitted in three cases but convicted in two others. Six of the accused died during the investigation or trial. The verdict was delivered by Thrissur Vigilance Court Judge G Anil. Public prosecutors V K Shailajan and Stalin E R appeared on behalf of the vigilance department. The public prosecutor said that the prison sentence shall run concurrently.

The case involved corruption amounting to Rs 1.05 crore in the renovation of the Chalakudy canal as part of the Idamalayar irrigation project. Construction work over an 8-kilometre stretch was divided among contractors into sections of 200 to 300 metres each. The vigilance found that the construction was completed without using adequate materials. Subsequently, FIRs were registered against 51 people, including contractors and officials, and 49 were found guilty by the Thrissur Vigilance Court. Both the executive engineer and assistant executive engineer were accused in all cases.

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