2014 Attingal double murder: HC commutes death sentence of prime accused to life imprisonment

Anu Shanthi; Nino Mathew. Photo: Manorama Online

Kochi: The Kerala High Court on Friday commuted the death sentence of Nino Mathew, prime accused in the Attingal double murder case, to life imprisonment. Nino was sentenced to 25 years of rigorous imprisonment without parole. The court, however, upheld the double life sentence of Anu Shanthi, the second accused and lover of Nino Mathew. The verdict was delivered by a bench of justices PB Suresh Kumar and Johnson John.

The court also considered the government's plea seeking confirmation of the death sentence of Nino Mathew. On April 16, 2014, Nino Mathew hacked Anu Shanthi's daughter Swasthika (4) and mother-in-law Vijayamma alias Omana (57) to death at the latter's house in Attingal. The accused were charged with murder, attempted murder, destruction of evidence and conspiracy.

Nino and Anu were friends and colleagues who worked at Technopark in Thiruvananthapuram. Nino murdered the duo to get rid of any obstacle that would hinder his plans to live with Anu. The trial court found both of them guilty and sentenced Nino Mathew to death and Anu Shanthi to a double life. Anu's husband Lijeesh was critically injured in the attack.

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