Thodupuzha: Mathew Kuzhalnadan MLA, who is embroiled in allegations of "unauthorised construction and benami fraud" regarding his resort in Chinnakanal in Idukki, released an explanation video on Facebook on Thursday.

Captioned "Let the people judge the facts", Kuzhalnadan responded to the allegations from his property Kapitan Bungalow.

"There are four buildings in this property, of which three were bought at a 90-95 per cent completed (construction) stage. Since the purchase, not a single new building has been constructed here. I am being accused of building a resort in Chinnakanal in violation of the Land Assignment Rules.

"However, the buildings that were on this property when I purchased it three years ago are the only ones in it even today. When a portion collapsed, we constructed a protective wall. Some interior maintenance works have also been carried out. Apart from this, not a single new structure has been constructed," said Kuzhalnadan in the video.

He underscored that the property is legally permitted as per the current Land Assignment Rules.

"We applied for a residential permit. Only residential buildings can be legally constructed on Patta land. However, there is no obstruction to use it as a resort or tourist centre if the owner has a homestay permit," said Kuzhalnadan.

He further said in the video that three of the buildings that were 90-95 per cent complete have not been used for the past three years.

"Since 2015, property owners have required an NOC to construct a building. Two of the buildings in this property have NOC. An application has been submitted for the third one. These buildings will only be used once the government gives the permission," added Kuzhalnadan.

Responding to the benami allegation, Kuzhalnadan said his partners in the resort are two Pathanamthitta natives and not benamis.

Kuzhalnadan welcomed the CPM to investigate their background as well.

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