Thiruvananthapuram: The Medical Council of India has decided to withdraw its earlier decision to freeze admissions to the 150 MBBS seats at the Alappuzha Government Medical College.

The medical college wrote to the council twice, stating that the issues pointed out by the Commission were resolved.

"Alappuzha Government Medical College will not lose its MBBS seats. Steps have been taken to carry out admissions to all the 175 MBBS seats this year, including the 150 admissions which were frozen," said Kerala health minister Veena George.


Medical commission had inspected the college in February and directed the Medical Education Department to resolve certain lapses including appointments to a few positions, punching machines, and CCTV cameras.

The minister said the College had submitted a compliance report on June 3. Later, another report was submitted to the Commission on July 10. It stated that the issues raised, including that of the punching machine, were resolved.

Renewal of affiliation


Meanwhile, Kerala University of Health Sciences (KUHS) Vice Chancellor Dr Mohanan Kunnummal informed the affiliation could be renewed for Konni, Palakkad and Idukki medical colleges if the State Government filed an affidavit stating that the lapses pointed out by the MCI would be resolved by these colleges.

According to the MCI rules up to 10 per cent of lapses are permissible in Government Medical Colleges while the same in private medical colleges is up to 5 per cent.

The medical university did not renew the affiliation for MBBS at these three government medical colleges in the State this year pointing to the shortage of teachers. There are 100 MBBS seats each at these three medical colleges.

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