Kerala plans KL-99 series registration numbers for all govt vehicles

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Thiruvananthapuram: Misuse of government vehicles has serious financial and security ramifications. The Motor Vehicles Department (MVD) in Kerala has decided to clamp down on this issue by restricting the use of ‘Kerala State’ boards displayed on government vehicles as well as going for a uniform KL-99 series for registration numbers.
In a recent recommendation to the Chief Minister, the MVD wanted ‘Kerala State’ board be displayed only on vehicles of authorities from the Chief Minister to the rank of the Additional Chief Secretary.
Indian Administrative Service (IAS) below the Additional Chief Secretary’s rank can display ‘Government of Kerala’ boards, said the MVD proposal.
Currently, Secretary-level officers as well as those below that rank also use ‘Kerala State’ boards on their vehicles.
The MVD also said that ‘Government of Kerala’ boards cannot be displayed on private cars of Secretariat officials; instead, these private vehicles could use a board which mentions the rank of the official along with the department. For instance, the board could read, ‘Additional Secretary, Law Department, Government Secretariat.’
As per another suggestion, all government vehicles plying in the state would carry number plates starting with KL-99.
MVD seeks curbs on ‘Kerala State’ boards on govt vehicles
Boards such as ‘Kerala State’, ‘Government of Kerala’ and those on the vehicles of MPs (Members of Parliament), MLAs (Members of the Legislative Assembly) should be in red background with white letters. Meanwhile, it is suggested that local body representatives, including Mayor, district panchayat president and others, have to display a board with a white background and red letters.