Bengaluru: The Enforcement Directorate (ED) is investigating bank accounts and benami institutions in Kerala to trace the source of the money suspected to have been handed over by Bineesh Kodiyeri to Anoop Mohammad, a native of Kochi who is an accused in the Bengaluru drugs case.

The agency is examining Bineesh's transactions in three banks.


According to the remand report filed by the ED in a special court in Bengaluru, there are serious discrepancies between the huge deposits that were made in Bineesh's bank accounts and the income tax returns he had filed from 2012 to 2019.

In some years, the amount that reached the accounts was 10 times what was shown as earnings in the I-T returns. He showed Rs 1,22,12,233 (Rs 1.22 crore) as earnings during the seven years. However, the amount that was deposited in the accounts was Rs 5,17,36,600 (Rs 5.17 crore). Bineesh did not give clear answers to its questions on the discrepancies, the ED said.


According to the statement given by Bineesh, the money handed over to Anoop was taken as a loan from a bank in Thiruvananthapuram. The loan was taken in the name of Old Coffee House that he ran in Shanghumugham with a person named Abdul Latif.

ED investigation reaches Kerala to find sources of Bineesh Kodiyeri's funds

But, this argument seems doubtful when the time the money reached the account is considered, the ED informed the court.


There are also suspicions about UAFX Solutions, which won the visa stamping contract at the UAE Consulate in Thiruvananthapuram, Car Palace, Capito Lights and KK Rocks Quarry, the ED said.