Thiruvananthapuram: Remote and touch-less services are increasingly being adopted world over as the COVID-19 pandemic has altered many human activities. The services of the Kerala treasury department too are on the verge of changing drastically as the state is facing an acute spread of the COVID-19.

Treasuries director A M Jafar has already instructed the staff to ensure that maximum services are offered via phone or online.

However, pension disbursal will be continued in the current manner. Pensioners may directly approach the office on the set dates.

Other changes as well as guidelines include:

• Those approaching the treasury for services other than money transactions will not be allowed to enter the office. A help desk will be set up at the entrance. People can also make use of the landline phone of the treasury branch, mobile phone numbers of the staff and email id. These are available on the website of the treasury directorate.


• Those seeking services other than drawing pension may contact the officials through the landline number at the branch or the mobile numbers of the staff. Or they can contact via email too.

• The process of updating the pass book has been stopped. They can check the balance via the pension portal.

• Emails can be sent to renew fixed deposits. The treasury will send an SMS when the maturity period is completed. Then mail the fixed deposit details, the renewed term period and phone number. No need for an application form or signature.

• Pensioners can also submit the tax statement and download Form 16 via the pension portal. Details of the pension disbursal, and Form 16, will be emailed if a request is mailed.

• As much as possible, send the application for National Pension Sytem registration via post. It can also be directly submitted.


• As SPARK help desk has been suspended any complaints have to be emailed. (SPARK denotes Service and Payroll Administrative Repository for Kerala.)

• Online challan can be submitted via e-treasury.

• Those making use of the Treasury Savings Bank (TSB) and Pension Treasury Saving Bank (PTSB) facilities may transfer the money to bank accounts without directly approaching the treasury. If you are unable to make use of the online system, then submit a signed cheque and the money will be transferred to the bank.

• No need for a copy of the pay slips. Instead pay slips with digital signatures would be issued.

Mustering via video call


The annual mustering should be completed before July 25. But pensioners should avoid approaching the treasury for this. Instead make use of web portals such as the Jeevan Praman or mobile applications.

The director said that if the life certificate is submitted via email, then the mustering can be carried out through video call. Or send the life certificate to the treasury staff via WhatsApp. However, life certificates of those who have not linked their Aadhaar to the treasury will not be approved. They will have to submit a self-attested copy of the Aadhaar card and life certificate via email.

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