Palakkad: The Kerala Police arrested Ayyappa Dharma Sena president Rahul Easwar on Monday. A court had on Saturday revoked the bail granted to him in a case relating to violent protests in Sabarimala and directed the police to arrest him.

The activist was in Palakkad on Monday to attend an event of the Hindu Mahasabha.


Rahul was out on bail in the case relating to violence at the Lord Ayyappa temple in Sabarimala on October 17 when it was opened for the first time after the Supreme Court allowed women of all age groups to enter the shrine.

One of the bail conditions imposed by the court was that he has to report to Pathanamthitta police station every Saturday. However, on December 8, he failed to appear before the police station.


The court at Ranni in Pathanamthitta district on Saturday directed the police to re-arrest him.

Sabarimala and nearby areas had witnessed unprecedented protests after the right-wing outfits protested the LDF government's decision to implement the Supreme Court order.


Read more: Latest Kerala news

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