Coimbatore: Tamil Nadu government on Sunday despatched one lakh litres of 'Amma' brand of bottled drinking water to flood-hit Kerala from here.

Flagging off 11 lorries carrying the water bottles, municipal administration minister SP Velumani said the government continues to help the people of the neighbouring state.


A total of 42 types of relief materials, including rice, grains, medicines and essentials worth Rs 4 crore, has also been sent, he said.

Tamil Nadu chief minister K Palaniswami has already announced Rs 10-crore financial assistance for that state, he said.


Besides, a non-governmental organisation has donated a water-purifying machine worth Rs 5 lakh, which is also part of the relief materials sent, he said.

CPI has also sent relief materials worth Rs 10 lakh collected by party, its leader M Arumugham said.


The materials would be distributed directly to the affected people, he said, adding that a sum of Rs 3 lakh from the party would be handed over to the Thrissur district party headquarters for carrying out relief work. 

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