SFI to boycott film stars over AMMA's move to take back Dileep

SFI to boycott film stars over AMMA's move to take back Dileep
Photo courtesy: Facebook/SFI-Kerala

Kochi: The Students' Federation of India (SFI), affiliated to the ruling CPM in Kerala, has joined the growing opposition to AMMA’s decision to allow Dileep to re-join the organization. In a social media post, national president of SFI V P Sanu has given a call to its members not to invite film stars to events organized by students' unions in universities and colleges. Sanu, praising the actresses who resigned from AMMA, also launched a severe attack against the male stars and AMMA.

“The decision of AMMA to re-induct a person who is facing an investigation over a most despicable crime reflects its patriarchal sense of justice,” said Sanu.

“Kerala has witnessed its superstars remaining silent even while their fans adopted stands against women. This showed their support to such acts. It is foolish to believe that one can expect a decision which ensures justice to a woman from such people,” he said.

Such people appear in events organized by SFI sometimes. We should have a rethink on the issue now, said the post.

“I salute the four actresses who raised their voice against such gender discrimination and injustice overcoming all threats as well as placing their career at stake by resigning from AMMA,” said the SFI president.

Interestingly, CPM had adopted a soft stand regarding AMMA members and Left-backed MLAs Mukesh and Ganesh Kumar and Innocent MP.

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