Ethos opens India's largest luxury watch boutique in Kochi

Ethos showroom in Kochi. Photo: Special Arrangement

Kochi: India’s largest luxury watch boutique is now open in Kerala’s Kochi. Ethos Limited, the largest luxury watch retailer in the country, on Friday opened its first boutique at Bypass Road, Edappally, Kochi.

With the launch of the Ethos Summit boutique, over 30 brands have arrived in Kochi for the first time. The multi-brand store, spread across approximately 6,000 square feet, offers the finest timepieces from a wide range of luxury watch brands, including Jacob & Co., Breitling, Bovet, Bell & Ross, Parmigiani, Norqain, Arnold & Son and Louis Moinet.

It is Ethos' 64th store in the country. The launch of the Kochi store comes amid the company’s ongoing expansion plans.

“The boutique's design aligns with the aesthetic that Ethos has successfully implemented in other top locations. Featuring a lounge area on the ground floor, it offers a relaxing environment for customers to unwind while exploring a diverse array of luxury watch brands. The customers will also find it convenient to get their watches serviced, with experienced watch technicians at the Kochi boutique,” Ethos said in a statement.

The company said luxury watch market in Kerala is highly promising, especially in Kochi, with its clientele and cosmopolitan atmosphere. “We expect the new store to cater to this discerning market, introducing over 35 prestigious brands and elevating the standard of luxury retail in the state. Our target customers in Kerala include seasoned collectors, luxury enthusiasts, as well as first-time buyers. We aim to cater to the diverse tastes of Kochi's residents, offering everything from classic designs to bold statements in luxury watchmaking,” an Ethos spokesperson said.

Ethos Summit boutique, spread across approximately 6,000 square feet, offers the finest timepieces from a wide range of luxury watch brands. Photo: Special arrangement

Kochi's status as Kerala's biggest mall destination, its cosmopolitan appeal, and strong ties to the Middle East create favourable conditions for the launch of the luxury store. “The city's preference for premium goods and its emerging luxury market make it an ideal location for our largest boutique,” the spokesperson said.

A series of events are planned as part of the launch, with an aim to engage with the community of Kochi.

Founded in 2003, Ethos Limited is one of India’s largest luxury and premium watch retailers, and publicly listed on BSE Limited and the National Stock Exchange of India Limited since May 30, 2022.

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