Arundhati Roy wins PEN Pinter Prize 2024

Arundhati Roy.

Arundhati Roy has been named the recipient of the PEN Pinter Prize 2024, an annual award established by English PEN in memory of Nobel laureate playwright Harold Pinter. The recognition comes two weeks after she was  charged under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act for allegedly making provocative speeches in 2010.

The award ceremony, co-hosted by the British Library, is scheduled for October 10, where Roy will deliver an address. The PEN Pinter Prize recognises writers of exceptional literary merit residing in the UK, the Republic of Ireland, or the Commonwealth. The prize aims to celebrate individuals who, in the spirit of Harold Pinter’s Nobel Prize speech, courageously examine and define the truths of our societies.

This year’s jury, comprising English PEN chair Ruth Borthwick, actor Khalid Abdalla, and writer Roger Robinson, selected Roy for the award. Previous recipients include esteemed writers such as Michael Rosen, Margaret Atwood, Malorie Blackman, Salman Rushdie, Tom Stoppard, and Carol Ann Duffy.

Ruth Borthwick congratulated Roy, highlighting her ability to eloquently address issues of injustice: "Our congratulations to Arundhati Roy on winning the PEN Pinter Prize 2024. Roy tells urgent stories of injustice with wit and beauty. Her internationalist perspective and powerful voice resonate profoundly, particularly in times of global crisis."

In response to receiving the award, Roy expressed her delight: "I am honoured to accept the PEN Pinter Prize. In these tumultuous times, I feel a deep responsibility to use my voice as Harold Pinter would have—to confront the complexities and challenges of our world."

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