We last saw Kuldeep Yadav playing for the country in the New Zealand-India Test in October 2024, held in Bengaluru. The 30-year-old left-arm wrist spinner, who apparently experienced persistent stomach pain around the time, initially dismissed it as a minor issue. However, doctors diagnosed him with a hernia and soon after, he underwent surgery for the same.

Since then, he has been recovering with the help of his team and the National Cricket Academy (NCA) and will soon be joining UP's squad for the Renji Trophy. He also recently posted pictures on social media with his team, captioning it, 'Recovery takes a team. Grateful to the NCA and its team for all the work behind the scenes.'
He started training again early this year and even posted a video of him doing drills on the nets and on his social media page.


Hernia, the condition Kuldeep battled, often appears on the lower abdomen, groin, belly button or diaphragm area and has symptoms like chronic groin pain, which worsens with various movements, coughing or even standing. How is it different from regular hernia? Here's what the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons say:

Kuldeep's injury is different because...
'Sports hernia' or 'athletic pubalgia,' which Kuldeep Yadav experienced, is a soft tissue injury that appears on an athlete's groin area. It's an injury often observed among athletes who compete in sports requiring sudden, twisty movements and direction changes. Any soft tissue like a ligament, tendon or muscle gets strained or torn in the lower abdominal region for those suffering from sports hernia. Interestingly, sports hernia does not show any visible bulge in the Aronia area, unlike the common inguinal hernia.


A regular inguinal hernia happens due to weakness of muscle walls because of congenital defects, ageing or strain. It can lead to life-threatening complications, though the condition in itself is not dangerous, according to the Mayo Clinic. It doesn't improve on its own, either. It is also observed in newborns and children due to weakness in their abdomen at birth. 
'Kuldeep Yadav' has over 10K search volume in the past 23 hours on Google Trends. 

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