Dengue in Manipur, 1 dead, 448 cases reported: Symptoms and prevention

All four types of dengue viruses spread through the bite of infected Aedes mosquitoes. Photo: Agencies

Manipur Health and Family Welfare Minister Sapam Ranjan recently said dengue cases in the state have been rising and sought people's participation to arrest the spread of the vector-borne disease. As per reports, one person died, and 448 cases have been reported so far in the state. The government is taking initiatives like fogging and requesting collective efforts. According to the Centre for Disease Control, all four types of dengue viruses spread through the bite of infected Aedes mosquitoes. To prevent their bites, using insect repellants, wearing loose-fitting and long-sleeved clothing, and implementing steps to control mosquitoes can be beneficial. 

Symptoms of dengue
Often, people mistake dengue symptoms for other illnesses like flu. Dengue can cause a high fever of 104 F(40 C), headache, nausea, vomiting, rash, swollen glands, pain behind the eyes, and muscle, bone, or joint pain. Most people should recover in a week or two. However, if the symptoms are severe, with additional symptoms like persistent vomiting, severe stomach pain, bleeding from nose or gums, blood in stools, fatigue, and more, seek immediate medical care. 

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