Women above 30: What should you eat to improve your calcium levels?

Women aged between 31 and 50 should have at leat 1,000 milligrams of calcium a day and those 51 and older should have above 1,200 milligrams. Photo: Shutterstock/In Green

As women age, their bone density gradually decreases and in some people, it can even lead to conditions like osteoporosis. Around the time of their menopause, they also undergo tremendous hormonal changes, which also affect their bone health. Therefore, to ensure proper muscle function and cardiovascular health, women should include calcium-rich foods and supplements in their regular diets, after taking the advice of their healthcare provider. Women aged between 31 and 50 should have at least 1,000 milligrams of calcium a day and those 51 and older should have above 1,200 milligrams. Here are five food items rich in calcium that are good for women's health:

It's not only rich in calcium but also probiotics for digestive health, protein for muscle maintenance, vitamin D and gut microbiome for hormonal balance. A staple in Indian diets, it can also boost immunity, support weight management and help improve skin health.
Including the versatile cottage cheese in a balanced diet can ensure several nutritional needs, alongside ensuring the required levels of calcium. A hundred grams of paneer can have around 300 milligrams of calcium. It can also be transformed into a variety of dishes as per your liking.

Green leafy veggies
Indian green leafy vegetable amaranth is often referred to as the one with the highest calcium content. A 100 gms of it can have around 400 micrograms of calcium. Spinach, fenugreek leaves and mustard seeds are also rich in calcium content. Add amaranth in salads, smoothies, stir-fries or curries for maximum absorption of the nutrient.
The best ways to consume almonds for calcium intake are as almonds soaked overnight, almond butter or milk, as almond flour which is a substitute for regular flour, as part of salads or as homemade almond paste. The nut also has other healthy fats, vitamin E and protein.
Sesame seeds
You can sprinkle these seeds on salads, smoothies, baked goods, stir-fries and soups, as 100 gms of these seeds can have about 975 milligrams of calcium. Include at least a tablespoon of it in your daily diet to take care of your calcium needs.

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