Are you suffering from sleeplessness? Try these tips to get restful sleep at night

Lack of proper sleep may lead to severe anxiety, stress and many other health problems. Photo: Shutterstock

Getting a restful sleep is essential for keeping your body and mind healthy and active. Moreover, a good night’s sleep is extremely rejuvenating too. It recharges and stimulates your brain while soothing your mind. Lack of proper sleep may lead to severe anxiety, stress and many other health problems. However, many people complain that it is extremely difficult for them to fall asleep or often suffer from broken sleep. Try these tips to sleep better at night:
1) Try to sleep and wake up at the same time every day. 
2) Aged people need 7 – 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep.
3) Indulging in light physical activities before you hit the bed may be helpful. 

4) Eating dinner at least two hours before going to bed is essential. 
5) Try getting sun exposure for a few minutes daily. 
6) Avoid drinking tea or coffee right before going to bed; instead, you could enjoy a glass of warm milk. 
7) Watching TV or scrolling through your mobile phone on the bed would ruin sleep.
8) Do not think about serious matters before you go to sleep. 
9) Arrange a light close to your bed that can be switched on and off easily.

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