Discover the multiple benefits of consuming garlic regularly

Bulbs of garlic on cutting board. Photo: iStock/photosimysia

Garlic, which is an item of daily use in the kitchen, is a storehouse of health benefits. The benefits of garlic range from boosting the body's immunity to improving cardiac health. Eating garlic on an empty stomach daily can also improve health. Here are a few other benefits of garlic.
1) Garlic contains the amino acid tryptophan which induces sleep. Tryptophan acts as a building block for serotonin, the brain chemical that regulates sleep. Eating garlic before going to bed will help you sleep better.
2) Eating garlic before going to bed can reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke. Garlic can help lower blood pressure, reduce cholesterol, increase blood flow in the body and thereby improve heart health. Garlic should be included regularly in the diet to prevent heart disease.

3) Garlic contains a sulphur compound called allicin which helps to boost the immune system. It helps in maintaining health by preventing diseases and infections. Eating garlic daily before breakfast can prevent fever, cold, and other viral diseases.
4) Garlic can remove toxins from the body. It acts as a natural detoxifier. Eating garlic in the morning on an empty stomach protects the body by eliminating toxins.
5) Garlic, with its antioxidant properties, helps to eliminate harmful free radicals and remove oxidative stress. Ageing can be slowed down by including garlic daily in the morning. Regular consumption of garlic can also prevent inflammation and blood clotting.

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