Actor Ahaana Krishna frequently shares beautiful photos from her photoshoots on her social media platforms. Her most recent bridal-themed photoshoot has captured significant attention online. In these photos, she is seen adorned in a cream-coloured net sari.

The net sari features intricate copper embroidery throughout its body. Accompanying the sari is a veil that complements its design perfectly. A half-sleeve net blouse has also been crafted to match the sari. To complete the ensemble, chokers, and bangles adorned with stones have been included.

Image courtesy: ahaana_krishna/Instagram

She has opted for minimal makeup for this appearance. The entire look is highlighted by dark maroon lipstick and an elegant updo hairstyle. She has posted the images on Instagram with the caption, "Just me, myself and my inner bride."

After sharing the pictures, she received many comments from her followers. One comment read, "Everything is perfect; the bride is stunning. Where is the groom?" Another user remarked that she would undoubtedly be a beautiful bride on her wedding day as well.

Image courtesy: ahaana_krishna/Instagram

On the work front, Ahaana was last seen in the film Pachuvum Athbutha Vilakkum and her upcoming film is Nancy Rani, which is yet to announce the release dates.