Need not worry about greying hair; embrace these natural ways to reverse it

Exposure to harsh chemicals found in hair care products or regular use of chlorinated water can lead to rapid greying. Photo: Inara Prusakova/Shutterstock

Premature greying of hair is becoming increasingly common these days. Exposure to harsh chemicals found in hair care products or regular use of chlorinated water can lead to rapid greying. While many strong dyes are readily available in the market, reports indicate that their prolonged use can have serious side effects.

This is where the knowledge of natural and effective alternatives comes in. There are natural remedies that can darken even the greyest hair using simple ingredients found at home, without any side effects.

Beetroot is a root vegetable with numerous health benefits. Along with its impactful effects on skin, beetroot is also excellent for hair health. It can help prevent hair loss and greying. Beetroot promotes hair growth and effectively eliminates dandruff. Moreover, it can help retain the natural colour of hair.

Indigo is excellent for hair health. Many hair care products use indigo as an ingredient. It is a popular natural ingredient used to reverse greying hair and can be used as an alternative to chemical hair dyes. Indigo is highly effective in promoting hair growth and is widely used in hair oils and hair packs.

Catechins and polyphenols present in tea strengthen hair follicles from within and promote hair growth. The antioxidants in tea soothe the scalp, reduce flakiness, and alleviate conditions like dandruff and scalp inflammation. Caffeine present in tea stimulates blood circulation to the scalp, further encouraging hair growth and preventing hair loss.

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