A part of several Malayalam and Tamil blockbusters, Anikha Surendran is a household name now. But she's not the little girl from '5 Sundarikal', 'Yennai Arindhaal' or 'Bhaskar The Rascal' anymore.

In her latest photoshoot, she looked stunning in a red bordered sari from the Onam special Pudava collections of the Diva Women's clothing store.

Anikha donned a Kerala sari with hand-worked motifs of lotus and a matching handwork on the sleeves. Photo: Manu Mulanthuruthy
Photo: Manu Mulanthuruthy

Anikha donned a Kerala sari with hand-worked motifs of lotus and a matching handwork on the sleeves. The hairdo and make-up was done by Neethu while the brand Adore lent the accesories.

Photo: Manu Mulanthuruthy

After the Ajith starrer 'Visasam', Anikha appeared in a prominent role in the web series 'Queen'.

Photo: Manu Mulanthuruthy