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Last Updated Monday December 14 2020 11:34 PM IST

IFFK is a wonderful learning experience: Uthara Unni

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Uthara Unni Uthara Unni

Thiruvananthapuram: Actor Uthara Unni sees International Film Festival of Kerala as a learning opportunity. Uthara, who shot to fame through the Malayalam film 'Edavappathy', said the festival gives her a chance to learn more about acting and films, which is essential for improving skills to be an aspiring film maker.

"This is my first time with IFFK. I'm looking forward to learn about cultures, people and film making through these films," she said.

Speaking about women in cinema, Uthara said men and women have equal opportunities in the industry. "Terming this industry a male dominant one is history. Both men and women have equal opportunities to make good films and to be good film makers," she said.

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