


Last Updated Monday December 14 2020 01:16 AM IST

Brett Michael Innes thrilled as IFFK audience applaud 'Sink'

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Brett Michael Innes Brett Michael Innes. Photo: Facebook

The film Sink directed by Brett Michael Innes is being widely accepted with a huge round of applause by the delegates of IFFK.

When asked about the IFFK audience responses, Brett Michael said that he loved watching the audience watch his movie and that film festival experience in Kerala was wonderful.

Brett Michael said that he got the idea of the film from a Jewish scripture repeated in Christian teachings and was later attempted in his own way. “There was this image of a mother crying over the body of a child and from there it became a story of foreign nationals working in other people’s home who later comes to terms with grief and loss”, said the director.

sink-director-1 Poster of the movie 'Sink' and delegates at IFFK 2016

“My film is based on how three lives are torn apart by grief brought together by forgiveness”, said the director when asked about his film.

Sink revolves around Rachel, a Mozambican maid, and a young couple who has employed her. Rachel is grieving the death of her daughter in a freak accident, caused due to the negligence of the lady of the house, Michelle. However, the weight of her burdened conscience and excruciating guilt haunt Michelle like a shadow. 

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