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Last Updated Friday December 18 2020 12:44 PM IST

Film fever brings cheer to this ‘chai wala’ | Video

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Thiruvananthapuram: Tea stalls were once the hubs of communication in Kerala. With the heady scent of tea and the background chatter of a radio, they have set the stage for several brainstorming sessions, which gave birth to some legendary movies.

Incidentally, this year’s IFFK has brought alive the tea discussion forums of the golden age of Malayalam cinema.

This time, a small makeshift tea shop in the model of a traditional hut has caught the attention of tea lovers who came to the IFFK village.

The tea shop is run by Rajan, who is a fan of classic Malayalam films. So far, Rajan has sold around 2,500 cups of tea every day, since the commencement of the festival. He was all praises for this year’s festival audience.

The wooden benches inside the hut are ideal for a discourse or debate over a steaming cup of tea. No worries if you are hungry, Rajan's menu also has mouth-watering pazhamapori and vada.

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