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Last Updated Sunday December 13 2020 04:54 AM IST

Centre in no mood to permit Majidi’s 'Messenger of God'

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Centre in no mood to permit Majidi’s 'Messenger of God' The film deals with Prophet Mohammad’s childhood and adolescence

Thiruvananthapuram: The efforts of the IFFK organizing committee to screen Iranian director Majid Majidi’s The Messenger of God has probably come to a nought.

After initial denial of permission by Union Information and Broadcasting ministry, the organizers had moved heaven and earth to get the central nod, but the ministry is in no mood to relent.

The organizers were hopeful that the Information and Broadcasting Ministry would final relent and in sync with this, they had kept some screens slots open for scheduling it, whenever the nod came.

The music of the film has been composed by A.R.Rahman.

The film deals with Prophet Mohammad’s childhood and adolescence.

It had irked religious fundamentalists who had even issued fatwas against screening it. Some Islamic groups in Mumbai had also issued a fatwa against screening it in the country while it was released in Iran.

The film has never been screened in India.

Majidi is also the director of classics including Children of Heaven (Bacheha-ye Aseman) (1997) and The Color of Paradise (Rang-e Khoda) (1999).

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