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Last Updated Sunday December 13 2020 04:59 AM IST

These 'green' handloom jackets are turning heads at the IFFK

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Handloom jackets are turning heads at the IFFK Handloom jackets are turning heads at the IFFK

Thiruvananthapuram: Guess what is turning heads at the IFFK? The 'green' Khadi jackets worn by officials and staff at the IFFK have become something of a fashion statement among the celebrities, movie lovers and delegates.

The jackets are made by Weavers Village, a boutique in Thiruvananthapuram. Onmanorama caught with Sobha Viswanath, the entrepreneur behind Weavers Village, for her take on the jackets.

“Our relation with IFFK is not something that started this year," said Viswanath. "We have been a part of IFFK for almost two years now. My partner Sree Remya Sambath and myself, are engaged in the activities of the Weavers Village and promoting handlooms is our aim.”

The 21st edition of IFFK, which has adopted advanced technology in terms of screening and reservation, is embracing nature in terms of endorsement. The organizers have chosen 'nature' as the theme for designing and decking up screening centers.

Handloom jackets are turning heads at the IFFK Sobha Viswanath (L)

What is special about the jackets

“This time we are more than happy that the IFFK has granted us full freedom to design our products. The jackets we have designed are made of Khadi. The natural colors are picked from the logo of IFFK and even the buttons are made of coconut husk,” says Viswanath.

These jackets are worn by the volunteers, comperes, and hospitality staff at IFFK, and we bet, you can't take your eyes off them. You can pick up a similar customized jacket from the Weavers Village.

The magic of Weavers Village can also be seen in the handloom bags at the Kochi Biennale.

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