Leftover palada payasam? Make this creamy pudding in no time!

Palada payasam
Photo: Shutterstock/Trending Now

Making pudding with leftover Onam sadya payasam can be a delicious way to transform the traditional dessert into something new. Here’s a simple idea to turn your leftover palada payasam into a tasty pudding:

2 cup leftover palada payasam
1 tbsp cornflour (or custard powder)
½ cup milk (or coconut milk for extra flavour)
1 tsp ghee (optional)
2 tbsp chopped nuts (cashews, almonds, or pistachios)
1 tbsp raisins (optional)
A pinch of cardamom powder

In a small bowl, mix the cornflour or custard powder with milk to make a smooth slurry
Set it aside
Pour the leftover payasam into a pan
If it’s too thick, add a little milk or water to loosen it
Heat it gently on medium flame
Slowly stir in the cornflour/custard powder slurry into the payasam, stirring constantly to avoid lumps
Cook for about 5-7 minutes until the payasam thickens to a pudding-like consistency
Heat ghee in a small pan and lightly roast the chopped nuts and raisins
Add them to the thickened payasam along with a pinch of cardamom powder, stir well
Pour the thickened payasam into serving bowls or a dish
Let it cool slightly, then refrigerate for at least an hour to set into a pudding.

Garnish with extra nuts or dried fruits if desired, and serve your leftover payasam pudding chilled!

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