Kanom krok- a Thai coconut pudding

Kanom krok- a Thai coconut pudding

South Indians boast of their delicious coconut based dishes all the time. But how many of them had the yummiest of them all? And it is not even an Indian dish. Kanom krok, a fairer and juicier version of the South Indian unniyappam is a sweet and gentle dessert made of coconut. Labeled as a popular street food in Thailand, kanom krok found its way to the menu cards of high-end restaurants across the world. You can easily make them on idly molds or unniyappam molds.

1 cup rice flour
2 cups of water
4 tbsp jasmine rice, cooked
½ cup grated coconut, dried
Salt as required

For the topping

1 cup coconut cream
½ cup sugar
2 tbsp rice flour
1 spring onion leaf, chopped
Salt as required  

For the outer layer, pour 1 cup water into the rice flour and mix well
Let it sit for an hour
Grind the cooked jasmine rice, grated coconut, 1 cup water and salt together using a blender
Pour this into the rice flour mixture and blend well
In another bowl, mix coconut cream, sugar, rice flour, and salt together until smooth for the topping
Add chopped spring onions to it if needed
Now place a kanom krok pan or unniyappam mold on the stove
Brush oil to the pan when it is hot
Now pour a ladle full of the outer layer mix into the molds.
After two minutes, pour in the topping mix in the middle of each kanom kroks to fill them up
Cover the pan with a lid
Cook until the bottom of the kanom kroks turn golden
Using a butter knife, take them off the molds
Serve them hot in pairs of two

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