Kumarakom: Kerala's backwater paradise Kumarakom on Monday witnessed a vibrant wedding celebration modelled after Spain’s famous La Tomatina festival. The unique event marked the union of Nishta, from Noida, Uttar Pradesh, and Krith, a Delhi native, at the Gokulam Grand Resort here.

Around 300 guests from both the bride’s and groom’s sides participated in the festivities. As the tomato-throwing began, the resort premises were soon awash in shades of red. Everyone, including the newlyweds, ended up drenched in tomato juice, adding a colourful twist to the occasion. The soft nature of tomatoes made them safe and fun to throw, encouraging enthusiastic participation from the guests.


A dedicated area at the resort was stocked with two tonnes of tomatoes for the celebration. The wedding festivities had been ongoing for a couple of days, with the tomato-throwing event serving as a lively highlight. Guests enjoyed a sumptuous meal following the tomato festivities.

The bride and groom’s families were warmly received under the leadership of Soby George, the resort’s general manager.