Burnt your rice? Here’s how to salvage & savour it as a delicious biryani

Burnt fried rice
Photo: iStock/worradirek

Burnt rice is often considered a kitchen disaster, with most people discarding it due to its unpleasant smell and taste. However, with a few simple tricks, you can salvage burnt rice and transform it into a delicious dish. Chef Koushik S, known as the ‘The Mad Chef India’ on Instagram, shares ingenious methods to remove the burnt smell and repurpose the rice into a flavourful Tamil Nadu-style ‘adi biryani.’ Here’s how you can turn your culinary mishap into a mouthwatering meal:

  • First, remove the excessively burnt portion of the rice. To eliminate the burnt smell from the remaining rice, place a slice of bread on top for 5 minutes to absorb the odour, or use halved onions for the same effect.
  • Once the burnt smell is gone, you can turn the rice into a delicious dish. The Persians call this dish Tahdig, made using caramelized rice. Mad chef christened it 'adi biryani', the ultimate burnt-rice save.
  • To make ‘adi biryani,’ heat some ghee in a pan and add cardamom pods and cinnamon. Then, add the caramelized rice and mix well. Your tasty ‘adi biryani’ is ready to enjoy!
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