Ever since Bollywood actor Alia Bhatt revealed that her actor-hubby Ranbir Kapoor gifted her a special cake for her birthday, food influencers have been raving about the Tres Leches milk cake, which she had from the London cafe named Letto. But, did you know it's available in our Kochi as well? Twenty-four-year-old Ayesha Hadeel, the baker behind the popular Instagram page Hadls Cakes Kochi, has the super hit dessert on display at her stall at Kochi Mercato Season 6. A platform for women entrepreneurs, the event is held at Hotel Le Meridian on October 28.

“Tres Leches milk cake is one of my most-in-demand desserts,” says Ayesha, who has been baking Tres Leches much before Alia's video went viral recently. “I have been making it for around two years and Alia's video went viral, and the demand for the cake soared further,” she reveals. She bakes it with her secret recipe. “The general perception is that it's a tough-to-bake cake. Though I won't call it an easy-bake dessert, it can be prepared if you give it a try,” explains the techie-cum-baker, who also has cheesecakes, brownies, brownie towers and bites on sale at the event.


“I love chocolate and love experimenting with it. I would say I would be the right go-to person if you want anything chocolaty,” the baker says. Ayesha adds that ensuring taste and quality matters to her the most as a baker and to ensure the same, she sources the best raw materials, painstakingly. The youngster, who is presently working at TCS, signs off by saying, “I hope to be a full-time baker, someday.”