Chitarikkal: It is Rambuttan harvesting time on the hillsides. Rambuttan fetches the farmers Rs 180 to 230 per kilogram. Therefore, many have started growing Rambuttan plants in their gardens. A quarter century old Rambuttan tree adorns the compound of the house of Perumpattikunnel Joseph, an immigrant farmer in Chitarikkal Gokkadavu. This lone tree, which towers above the rest, and like a guava tree, is said to yield over a quintal fruits a year. Apart from this tree, there are other highly productive Rambuttan plants inside the compound walls of the house. Most of them are Rambuttan fruits of yellow and red varieties. There are sweet as well as slightly bitter ones among them. Joseph says that even though yellow ones are sweeter, the most demand in the market is for the red Rambutan fruit. The white jelly like part inside the outer shell of Rambuttan is the edible portion. This is pleasantly sweet. For the same reason, it became common for birds and rats to peck on the fruits and eat them. Farmers lay nets over the fruits to prevent this. Farmers say that a yielding plant, on an average, could fetch a profit of roughly Rs 6000. Bud type plants are being planted by the farmers. There are over ten Rambuttan plants in the compound of the Gokkadavu house of Perumpattikunnel Joseph. The plants will start bearing fruits after three years. Joseph, who is also an excellent organic farmer, has over twelve different crops of plantain in his agricultural land. Apart from areca and rubber, he has also been farming pepper, filosan, nutmeg, custard apple and tapioca. He also does fish farming. Son Moncy assists Joseph in agriculture. If you do want to get your hands on their fresh produce, contact them at 0467 2221668.

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