Playback singer Anju Joseph has tied the knot with Adiya Parameswaran. The singer announced the news through a social media post on Saturday. She also shared photo of them standing in front of the District Registrar Office in Alappuzha, dressed in their wedding attire. The photo was captioned: 'My hopes and dreams for the future'.

Anju was earlier married to reality show director Anoop John. She had recently opened up about her failed marriage with Anoop and also posted a candid video on social media about her healing journey from trauma, which attracted a wave of supportive comments.
Several celebrities reacted to her latest post and congratulated the couple on their new journey ahead. Anju looked radiant as she wore a traditional Kerala sari for the marriage. Aditya too complemented the look and wore a grey and blue shade kurta along with a mundu. Anju rose to fame as a contestant in popular reality show 'Star Singer' and later made a mark with songs in films, including 'Doctor Love', 'Alamara', 'Avarude Raavukal' and 'Ormakalil Oru Manjukaalam'.

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